mercredi, mai 05, 2004

Of cars..continued

first of is wednesday and we had test today
i had maths and it went expectin 40

like i said before i dont like the corolla. well it turns out that my dad doesnt either(he took a test drive in chandigarh). yesssssssss!!!! i never liked that car
so my daddy went car shopping today
he saw most of the cars
Hyundai Elantra- daddy liked it
Honda City- i hate the stupid shape but apparently daddy likes it
CR-V- i duno wat happened to daddy he liked it earlier
Ford Mondeo- this is the car that my dad was floored by. i mean he didnt stop talkin about it but as it was STD call he didnt talk much. most propably he'll go in for a mondeo unless im able to convince him for an accord
im eagerly waiting for holidays to begin and then i'll go car shopping
any comments?
gtg ciao

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