mercredi, février 09, 2005

OF influences, surveys, Rhea, and others

Hello y’all
Exam season is on and I am under PayPuh Mode.
First of all, Bloggiversary is coming sometime in the last week of February. I may not be able to post but you can check up the date and wish my blog a happy birthday. its 26th i think. or 23rd.

OK, rhea’s recent entry was something on difference in opinion. She conducted a survey of how people view things differently and bringing the humour out of it. She took down a few words we use everyday and brought out the meaning they had to different people. Taking inspiration from Rhea I write about certain things of my own, though not in a way similar to that of hers. Rhea, this ones for you coz you’ve taken inspiration from me a lot of times, sorta like I owe you this one.
Now music is something, which everyone has heard and, well, has made attempts at making it too but not with much success. Music derives its meaning from some ancient word that I can’t seem to remember right now. In earlier times, music used to Beethoven, Mozart and Operas. Nowadays, music is made of the above-mentioned three plus also Rock, Rap, Hip-Hop, etc. So I conducted a hypothetical survey of my own. The answers given by the people here are meant to be funny, I request you not to take offence. The people here are the Crazy Fan type(CF), the Rhea type(R), and the Gudi Type(G).

What is Pop Music?
CF: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!! OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!! OOOHH MICHAEL( substitute Michael with other sorts of names).. Can I have your autograph

R: hmmm.. I dno.. I haven’t studied

G: It may be of 2 categories
1. The boy bands- which consists of a bunch of gay men desperately trying to sound like women. These bunch usually break up after 3 successful albums. The buyers of these successful albums are little 11-year-old male kids, 9-11 year old female kids and the Crazy Fans. The lyrics consist of nothing but of their trials to get a certain woman (which wont ever happen coz they are gay)
2. The women singers- these are 18-whichever year old women desperately trying to gain attention by wearing the minimum amount of clothing as possible. The fans here are the men who really want to see the little clothing rather than listen to their songs, which are nothing but same as the boy band music. The women here are purely britney spears’ aspirants, or maybe the other ones too.
3. This is not a category. Others may just be single men or a group of women, which are no different than the above-mentioned

What is Rock Music?
CF: refer to reply of CF in the above question. Just substitute Michael with something Rocky

R: Gudu, yaar I told you I haven’t studied.

G: I love this genre, just giving this answer to make it sound funny. Bunch of non-gay men or women, each with his/her own guitar/ drum set/ or a microphone making good music, but not always. The turnout of dumb, wannabe school bands playing would be Karan’s Rock Show entry. This can also be subdivided into
1. Punk Rock: Little Rebel kids with weird hairstyles, shouting into the mics and striking any chord combination. Makes me sick.
2. Soft Rock: Also known as Sting, or Bryan Adams, or the other similar sounding dudes. This is good.
3. Hard Rock: Grown up men or not rebel kids with or without long hair turning up the heat with great music. Guns N’ Roses.. wooohooo. These bands normally stay together but GNR didn’t.
4. I dno there are lots of other types of rock styles. This is the best genre.

What is Metal?

CF: OOOHHH???? AAAAHHH??? I don’t know, I’m just here for an autograph.

R: This I know, The musicians make songs out of names of metals. For example,
Gold met Silver
My daddy’s a builder,
Rest is on the bopper
My babes a copper… like that. Get it?
Yaar, ive warned about my dipping sense of humour. Tulu for now

G: I really don’t listen to this. Its just bunch’a really loud men making really bad rock music. Well people like it so I don’t care.

What is Punjabi music?

CF: tunak tunak tun. Tunak tunak tun, ta ra ra ra. I need auttograaaph(Punjabi style)

R: uhhh…uhhh.. I know this.. uhhhh.. uhhhh

G: It’s the music of Punjab, the land where I come from. Earlier it used to be great with Gurdas Mann and the other good people but nowadays its just another person from every gully trying his level best to sing some words in a certain tune, which has dhols playing. The condition can be very well seen by the music made by some Balkar Sidhu, saying
Lak tunu tunu, Lak tunu tunu. Or
Laung Tabeetariyan.
I don’t get a word of it.
Folk music is good.

What is the Disco Music?

CF: You should be dancing, yeah!! Night fever, Night Fever!!.. and others

R: the music played in discos

G: yes, the music played in discos or little zens with totally tinted glasses. All you can hear out of them is DHIK CHIK DHIK CHIK DHIK CHIK.. I wonder how people can dance to anything the stupid DJ plays. The stupid DJ here refers to the kind of DJs we have been getting to our school for our carnivals. There are some good DJs out there too. Disco music may also include Daft Punk which has songs which go like
Constant guitar jhinging in the background
One more time, ooohh yeaah,, uh huh, al rite, we got the dancing(played in a loop for 5 minutes)

What is Hip-Hop Music?

CF: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!! OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!! OOOHH JAYZ( substitute Jayz with other sorts of names).. Can I have your autograph

R: little bunnies going hipping and hopping

G: yea that’s what im talking about. I love this one too. Basically it’s one black guy(with the exception of one or two) speaking at a rate faster than a Jet plane and another black guy (with the same exception) singing in a good tune to some good beats and young black or white women in bikinis. The videos of these songs are normally shot in nightclubs or by the pool.

What is Rap music?

CF: the same again

R: Eminem

G: Right said rhea, it does include Eminem, the only white guy in the rap industry (though im not very sure). This includes one black guy (with the exception of eminem) against another one trying to battle it out with spontaneous mixture of words.

What is Safri- Duo music?

CF: why do you want me to repeat the same answer again and again.

R: yaar gudi, stop it!

G: 2 close friends or brothers beating kitchen utensils with sticks.

End of survey
I am now out of music genres or my mind has stopped working

You see, last night I had this person in my class accusing me of having become cheap. For those of you who know me, ive always been like that, Im a pervert… Most of the guys are, and as Mr. Skaranses says, a qualified dipsite can churn something perverted out of anything normal in about 0.62378 seconds. I’m on about 1.2376 seconds. So as she was saying, she accused me of having turned cheap and that I wasn’t her friend anymore. Well, for Chrissake, can you please explain what you mean by a friend. Go ask Rhea, she’ll tell you what a friend is. I don’t have “friends”, I don’t consider anyone a “friend” coz we all are nothing but a bunch of backstabbers waiting for the perfect opportunity to backstab. I didn’t want this to be part of my entry but ahh well.. feels good to have it off me.

Signing off

5 commentaires:

Akhil a dit…

Somehow I get a feeling that this is gonna be one long comment.

Sting, Bryan Adams, bon jovi are all good, yeah.

I somehow can't make out what is rock and what isn't, Any suggestions??

And it's 'tunak tunak tun, da da da' (as if that makes any difference)

Gurdaas Mann was good, There was a song called "Love marrijaan karaun da riwaaz ho gaya" its my favvie!

As for disco music, there are certain tunes which are better, like axel f club mix and children by robert miles. there's this album by sony music called "all hits no words" which has some pretty soothing disco music. And yeah, disco music can, contrary to popular belief be soothing. hear children if you don't believe me.

I told ya 'twas long.

Anonyme a dit…


is that how i behave these days?? Neways ppl m not such a looser...noe quite some stuff bout a mattr of fact m quite a music buff myself...not of curz the crazy fab style...but neways Gudu u made me laugh on myself!! Well laugh on something.....

Au revoir

Karan a dit…

I was wondering whether to comment on the music part or the backstabbing part, but in the end I thought I'd comment just because of the fact that it says '1 comments', which even a monkey could tell you is just bad grammar (Yes, I are back). To be totally honest, Gudi, I haven't visited your blog for quite an age, and it was for two reasons: a) you, like Dhruv, always seemed to be "Back" all the time, and b) when you were finally "Back" for some period of time, most of what you wrote sounded gibberish in my mind. But, it seems either you've out-weathered that phase or you're on a crest of a sinusoidal wave and will jump back into gibberish as soon as people turn around and look away. I hope it is the former.

Now music is a complicated topic for me because when people ask (and they do seem to ask this very often) what kind of music I like, I usually tell them "Whatever pleases the ear." and it is quite true. I'm afraid I never care to look at the "Genre" column in iTunes unless I need to separate the music from the audio-books. Genres are a good exercise for those who organise music, but for people like me they're almost useless. I don't give a flying rat's kidney as to what people say (and this is not behind my back) and what kind of faces people make when they see some of the music I have on iTunes. Britney Spears and Christina Aigulera (I don't know the spelling) also have some good songs, perhaps not many. I love Dido, Linkin Park, Kishore Kumar, Jagjit Singh and now Fuel also - but not all their songs are nice. What I absolutely hate, however, is the fixation people have against Pop music. They simply won't listen to a title by Jennifer Lopez or Ricky Martin because of the artist and the genre. It's just the same kind of prejudice some people have against reading Harry Potter just because it's a popular book and is largely considered (by the same stuck up bastards) to be just a children's book. Harry Potter, as well as a lot of Pop music, is very nice to say in the least. After all, Pop is short for Popular Music and it wouldn't be popular unless it was good.

I share your opinion on Metal - I can't stand it. Hard Rock also, when it gets a bit too hard, is hard for me to stand, but in the end, I don't look at artist names or genres, but simply listen to the song. After all, I would never have heard such lovely songs like Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day, Real To Me by Brian McFadden, Run by Snow Patrol or James by Josh Rouse if I cared about who sang them or under what genre.


PS: I am also not against boy bands as a concept, do not think the singers are all gay (nor would I care if they were) and do like some of their songs.

Anonyme a dit…

yaaar "guddu" y u soo depressed bout yr friendsss all the timmeee..??? bakstabberss??? newayzz nice postt...

Natasha M a dit…

Morning, lill surd!

I notice you've added xiaxue to your blogroll...