dimanche, novembre 06, 2005

Have you noticed something?

Hello People
I cant seem to think of anything to write these days, heavy writers block.
Have you noticed something about some hollywood movies, the mushy romantic comedy type ones. It's always the guy running after the woman forever and then he says something and then the woman decides to go away and then she stops talking to him and then when shes leaving the guy does/ says something really sweet after running after her for miles and then hes on his knees. This just makes the woman go awwwww and then she starts crying(very woman-like) and then they both hug and then they live happily ever after.
I have a question to ask. If the guy can make the woman change her thoughts about moving, by saying/doing all that stuff, how come we men are called inexpressive?
Anyways, these movies are nice to watch. The tooth fairy is with me when i say that.
A few movies you could catch: Along came Polly, Cant hardly wait, how to lose a guy in 10 days, etc..
Thats me for now
Same place, sometime in the near future
Signing off

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