jeudi, juillet 21, 2005

I feel French

Hello friends
The title says it all though it really doesnt need to be there because I have been feeling french for the past 2 months now.
This morning I got up at 429, even before the alarm went off ( I normally get up at 430). But then I went back to sleep and got up 540. My bus comes at 545
What did I dream about during that 1 hour and 10 minutes you may not ask, but I'm still gonna tell you. I was dreaming that I was back in france, I was reliving everything by the seconds... and then I had to effing get up coz I was ultra late.
I dreamt about all the crazy stuff we did.. everything
Aww man... I cant stop thinking about it. I spoke to Nancy about an hour ago and I called up Lola but as usual she did not pick up her phone.
I have also acquired the VCDs of Madam Squirrel which makes me even more wanna-go-back-to-france.

Did I tell you that 2 months ago ( 22nd May), was the day we left Angouleme and went to Paris. I wasnt all that affected by that separation but now I cant stop thinking about everything.

signing off

Monsieur G

7 commentaires:

Akhil a dit…

How I wish there was some kind of in-built video recorder within us which would record everything, every moment that I spend in my life, and then I could play it back when I feel like.

Fortunately, there is, and you can.

Unfortunately, it's not that easy.

Now you believe me, don't you?

Gursartaj a dit…

The memory is all that ever remains

Anonyme a dit…

what does YPO stand for?

Anonyme a dit…

Youth Perversion Organisation

Thib-O a dit…

un ptit bonjour des etats-uni de la part de thibault
gro bisou a tous en esperant vous revoir

Adarsh a dit…

My sentiments exactly

Anonyme a dit…

will u ever think of something other than france or french?