vendredi, janvier 13, 2006

Quote of the Day

Between the penis and the mathematical one . . . there exists nothing. Nothing! It is a vacuum.
[Fr., Entre le penis et les mathematiques . . . il n'existe rien. Rien! C'est le vide.]
Author: Louis-Ferdinand Celine
Source: Voyage au bout de la nuit

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

What is the "mathematical one" ?

Anonyme a dit…

Ummm yeah gudu...please explain further...we're slow kids...dim wits u see...not as bright thou r..n no m not hittin on theres summin seriously wrong wid me...lolz
long tym

Anonyme a dit…

Dude, it shouldn't be "the mathematical one" but "mathematics" instead. "Les mathematiques" is French for Maths.