mercredi, mars 08, 2006

Gay movies, Oscars, swallowing flies, etc...

Hello friends
Mornings before exams are exceptionally interesting, there is noise all around but its the kind of noise which can be compared to silence, silence before something big, like the lull before the storm. Everybody is studying, except for a few. I have this policy of not studying right till the point the exam does not begin and hence I can be seen with an issue of TopGear in my hand when everybody has a big fat Pradeep's. The above-mentioned few include me, Dhruv, and a few others.

Today we had english, and I dont think you need to study for that right before your exam. Its a good thing that we now get a preparatory leave for English, cause one can sit back, relax and play games. I, for one, started my course at around 3:00 PM, was done by around 8:30. Yes, that is long, but yea well, I take my time.

Anyways, the morning was fun today as we were talking about the Oscars. Since I dont get any Star Movies anymore, I happened to miss them but I dont think I missed much. There was Ben Stiller trying to act like a cross between Adam Sandler and Nelly, didn't do a very good job at it though. Then there was the much talked about Gay movie Brokeback Mountain. I wonder how anyone came up with an idea like that, I'm glad it didnt win the oscar. We were then joined by Adarsh who was giving his valuable inputs when Siddarth said,"I dont like these movies with one word names"
Me: Crash
Dhruv: Cellular
(And you all probably guessed how we mustve laughed at that)
And then Adarsh began counting the number of words in that and it dawned upon him that Phone Booth are indeed two different words
The laugh was so bad that Dhruv swallowed a fly, which was followed by an even bigger burst of laughter and Dhruvs sudden change in voice after that delicious little fly. I think he has been much affected by the bird flu and since he can not live without non veg food, moving on to flies now... sweet!!
And just about then, the Shepherd(read Alinda Holla) came and asked us all to move to our classes.
The exam was utterly boring. I was expecting something not too long but due to the extremely boring nature of the paper, I was forced to finish my paper at about 11:00 with no time left for sleeping, hmph. I must congratulate the English Department on how they surprise us with the ever-increasing level of stupidity of the papers. Plus, Literature was 40 marks,'Nuff said.

That done, I moved to my bus and finally finished this months TopGear.
Looking forward to Computers

7 commentaires:

Dhruv a dit…

I think Alinda Holla has nothing better to do (except sending us back to class). And to Wallop Mihir, which I feel is a very noble act on her part.
P.S. It was a fly not a bee.

sid a dit…

i take my comment back

crash is a very good movie .

"Wallop " - now thats a word we should use more often.

ps - is it just me or are these word verification things getting longer all the time

Anonyme a dit…

i think the word verification things are called visual captchas..strangely enough.
anita rathi is(or rather was, since im not staying in tenth *hopefully*and im not taking computers in 11th*sadly*) my computer teacher too, but she likes me:D...i havent the slightest idea why tho..hmmm
ok, i have noticed that almost every guy i know has taken an unexplainable exception to the movie brokeback mountain...i think deep down inside, all straight men aare truly homophobic...or maybe its the homosexuals overdoing the act...interesting im not insinuating that ur gay, its alrite...sumhow i get the feeling u mite not accept this that an option for u?
well nevermind. your blog is very nicely written, gudi,
rock on

Abhishek Nandakumar a dit…

You can post the GTalk review, and I'll remove mine..Just post it soon.

Dhruv a dit…

Yup, I agree with Akshay. Interesting coincidence, this is exactly what we were talking about on monday.
And in any case, it's rather weird / embarassing watching gay movies like Brokeback Mountain, no matter what anyone says.
Auf Wiedersehen

Dhruv a dit…

I'm not talking for all gay-themed movies here, but having seen Brokeback mountain (and having fast-forwarded all the scenes that need not be seen)., I must say that BM is a path-breaking movie and brilliantly conceptualised and directed. It's a shame that it lost simply because Crash managed to buy out the oscar.
Though it would be unfair to say that without watching crash.

none the less, BM was an outstanding flick.. though quite dull the begin with, it had a very moving conclusion.

Dhruv a dit…

Let me please clarify that I, Dhruv Kumar, didn't not post the opinion and I do not endorse it in anyway. However, the comments before the above comment were mine.