mercredi, septembre 07, 2005

He’s the one
who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he dont know what it means

-- Kurt Cobain(1967-1994)

4 commentaires:

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What's up with the Cobain lyrics? New found love for Nirvana?

Dhruv a dit…

if you must quote dead people, try Elizabeth the first.

Anonyme a dit…

its not new found love.. cmon man

Anonyme a dit…

It's hard to be a Jew on Christmas
My Friends won't let me join in any games..
And I can't sing Christmas songs
Or decorate a Christmas tree..
Or leave water out for Rudolph
cuz there's something wrong with me..
My people don't believe in Jesus Christ's divinity..
I'm a Jew, a lonely Jew.. on Christmas.

- Kyle G. Broflovski