lundi, avril 25, 2005

Kar di na Sardaron wali baat

Yes.. some people cant just resist acting like sardars... oh btw.. all sardars including me shall not take offence

Case #1
This really "smart" dude's dad is in London currently. Now, as he is in London he is using International roaming on his telephone. His dad is also very smart. He is calling from London on his home Landline. Very smart he is.

Case #2
Another extremely smart dude has gotten into Vidyamandir.. VIDYAMANDIR
And he is so smart that he is not taking VIDYAMANDIR.. and settling for some stupid NARAYANA classes.. Somebody help him

signing off

4 commentaires:

Dhruv a dit…

Good Gosh!
Someone deliver him from his stupidity!

Dhruv a dit…

Whats so sardarwala nabout not joining VMC. It's not god's gift to mankind, after all, and it probably wont make a great difference.
Btw, who is the idiot?

Dhruv a dit…
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Dhruv a dit…

Stupidity is rejecting VM for NARAYNA!

Rejecting VM is not such a big deal, but doing so in orfer to join a stupid institute like Narayana is sheer idiocy..