samedi, juillet 02, 2005


Hello people
I just finished watching Amelie. AH, what a film, truly great. Well, actually* i really havent ever seen the whole movie. Such is the misfortune that I never get to see the complete movie. The last time I was watching it, the electricity went. Today, I started from somewhere in the middle but saw it till the end.

First of all, I love the story. I havent really been able to gather the whole story for reasons mentioned above but whatever I have managed to gather is a great story. The way she keeps going out of the way to help other people. Bringing joy into other people's lives, Truly Amazing. Sort of like a guardian angel.

I also learnt that sometimes your whole life can fit into a small little rusty box, like that of Bretodeau.

Then there is the music by Monsieur Yann TIERSEN**. I just love the music playing the background. The official french accordion. Try Downloading La Valse D'Amelie.

I just love the movie. For reasons I dont know why.

Spread Love my friends!

Say no to war, Say no to BUSH!!!!

*Actually.. this bears no reference to Adarsh
** Thats how they write names in france with the surname in capitals.

signing off

5 commentaires:

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France!!! France!! France!!!

Dhruv a dit…

Will you ever get over your French Fixation? Or will you always remain the surd with a french connection?

Endymions a dit…
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Bush is the biggest pea-brained imbecile in the history of American Presidents (matched only by his father). I hope he gets tried and hanged for the murder of thousands of innocent Iraqis. God bless.

Anonyme a dit…

amelie is an awesome movie man..actually.. even i never got to watch the full thing but i finally did and its totally brilliant.. its so sublime the way a movie about something so simple (and so well made) can actually make u think about the bigger things in life... rashi x