lundi, août 01, 2005

Kingdom of Schitt

Hello People.. i are back
This just in. A new country has been discovered, which has been long isolated from the rest of the world, but not anymore. It is the KINGDOM OF SCHITT.
It was discovered by Mr. Gursartaj Singh Nijjar, the newly great explorer, while he was sitting in class and had nothing to do. He set sail in Maths Class when he was able to solve all questions coming his way and had lotsa time on his hand. He accomplished this task with his SideKick aka Lord Sid.

Anyways on to the Country Profile
Location- This Country lies just off the east coast of Africa on an utterly small island which isnt even visible and thats why it was previously undiscovered.

Geographic Coordinates- I dont know

Area- 1 sq. km

Climate- Humid

Elevation Extremes - lowest point - pit of schitt - -86 m
highest point- Mt. Schitt - 100m

Natural resources - silica, gold, Aluminium and LOADSA shit


Population - about 20 people, but they have lots of Animals around which account for the heavy amounts of shit present in this country. Another reason for loadsa shit is the fact that they dont have any waste management system.

Nationality - Schittians

Religion - Schittism

The Country was established by Mr. Awe Schitt, the fertiliser magnate who came in search of a place to set up his factory. He along with his wife, Oh Schitt, the owner of knee deep in shit inc.

The Schitts decided to stay as they could not return to their homeland, which nobody knows of now. They gave birth to a son, Jack Schitt, the current ruler of this Kingdom. Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, who was stranded on this island. They gave birth to six kids

1. Holie Schitt
2.Fulla Schitt
3. Giva Schitt
4. Bull Schitt
5. Deep Schitt
6. Dip Schitt

They divorced after 15 years of marriage but still live on the same island.

There has been no evidence of Holie Schitt's Marriage.

Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, who always stayed together as they were twins found a pair of twins for themselves, called the Happens sisters. Their Grand Wedding was witnessed by the Schitt Family and the other animals. It was the Grand Schitt-Happens Wedding. The Schitt Happens kids were Dawg, Byrd, and Hawrse.

Bull Schitt, made a boat and set sail on a tour du monde(world tour), and found Pisa from Italy to be his companion. Pisa Schitt.

Deep Schitt married Dumb Schitt and Dip Schitt married Loda schitt and had a nervous little kid called Chicken Schitt.

Thats about the Schitt Dynasty. Lotsa Schitts..

Anyways, Awe Schitt was the ruler of the kingdom till 1989 until he died of some shitty disease.

Currency - the currency of this small country is mainly schitties but it varies between species. eg. Humans use human schitties, elephants use elephant schitties and so on.
1 H schittie = 0.2 USD
1 E schittie = 5 Human Schittie
Elephants are the richest of all species for obvious reasons.

Thats about it on the Kingdom of Schitt.

Will post more information as research progresses.

signing off

8 commentaires:

ThinkingWanderer a dit…

lol! can expect only u to come up with something of this sort!!!!...nevertheless...its highly innovative & funny..& i guess v'll all be visiting ur new li'l country soon!!...:P
hw've u been waise??? hws the 11th treating u?!??...i'll msg u as soon as im high on blnc..or i'll maaro u a missed call..
take care...

Anonyme a dit…

G my man u forget that if i go Schitt i'll probabely be the richest man on earth and i'll also take abhinaya along with me as she is responsible for rich creamy schitt
guess who i am G??

Gursartaj a dit…


Akhil a dit…

Gives the phrase "filthy rich" a whole new meaning.

udit a dit…

nicey nice! i'm glad you finally posted something which didn't say FRANCE even once, schitthead

Anonyme a dit…

Nice shit!

Ach a dit…

One Shitty Post That!!!

Anonyme a dit…

Gudi,you are the shit..

mad eprops!!