jeudi, juin 16, 2005


Hello dear friends
So my life is not going anywhere these days, except for the usual visit to the toilette.
Coming to the Hangover... its the hangover of the french trip. The trip memories are slowly getting washed away from my brain as I set into the life of Delhi. I do not want them to go away and hence I have this funny feeling inside of me. (yes rashi and ridhi, i figured out what it is)
This funny feeling, as formerly believed is not in my belly and is actually somewhere around my heart, making it feel very heavy.
So since, i do not want to forget about anything let me tell you stuff about the people there

1. Simon: My host... He was a pretty cool guy, I had lotsa fun. Though, him and his family, they smoked too much and now have given me what a doctor calls Allergic Bronchitis. His dad is an extremely good cook(Pate).

2. Delphine: She was one of those people whom we call blondes. Shes an awesome artist, I must say. She also agreed to marry me, which is because she wanted to see my hair(Fair deal, i say.). Shes not a blonde anymore coz she got her hair coloured.

3. Lola: LOLLAAAAAAAA... Yes she was the redhead who never posed sanely for pictures. She was lotsa fun too. And she always come to us when we shouted LOLAAAAA...

4. Marion: Nangias host. She was fun too. We danced together, the two of us, on our last night in Angouleme chez lola(hint hint)

5. Nancy: Bumper Boats... Extremely cute. She has the ability to talk like us Indians, with rrrrs and ddss and all that. She could also pronounce my name. As swati maam said, " Nancy's trousers are just like Gudi's.. just about to fall down"

6: Laure: I did not interact much with Laure but she still was fun, especially during the dance session chez lola.

7. Thibault: Ahh Utsavs Host. He was a very fun guy too.. he taught us the Karakakou.. Acted as if he doesnt know a word of English(he knows about 15 words) and now he is going to USA..

8. Mathieu: Abhinaya will fill this space..

As you can see by the length of this post.. i din have the time.. and im starting to forget stuff.. plus, ive already said a lot in my previous posts

Basically all the people were fun... LOTS OF FUN and its hard to let go..

signing off
p.s.: i just feel lighter

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