lundi, septembre 06, 2004


Hello all ppl
it always happens, as karan mentioned before, u think of writing something but then when u sit to write u forget every damn thing
I had planned to write this but then forgot it and here it is now
i have noticed this certain trend in showbiz.. if u want publicity, flash some of your forbidden parts.. and thats exactly wats bin happening
It all started with Janet Jackson at Superbowl when Justin Timberlake ripped off her bustier revealing the stuff within.. this incident led to the coining of a new fashion term now known as the nipple shield.
This event was followed with many such incidents happening
i heard of one in which Britney Spears' dress slipped way below the danger line
I heard of something similar happening to Sanobar Kabir a month ago
I read and saw about the thing which happened to Jennifer Hawkins, Miss Universe when she was walking on the ramp and her 7 kg dress just fell.. cool
If u read today's Delhi Times.. U shall find some of this similar stuff on the front page
thats all i had to write..
for some of u it mite b offensive.. couldn't help.. its bin happenin for quite a while
signing off

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

hi..mehak here...1st timer..came in from akhil's blog...nipple shield...interesting...never heard bout it before .

Karan a dit…

That's weird. I went to great lengths to publicize the fact on my blog when the incident happened.

And Gudi, I doubt anyone who reads your blog would take offence. I'm linking you finally, because I read your blog anyway and it's a pain to type in the address. (I like to open my Journal and click the address of the blog I wanna visit.)

Akhil a dit…

Who the hell is sanobar kabir???