dimanche, septembre 05, 2004

No Title

Hello ppl
How are y' all again?
i have nothing much to say today.
i have just been studying geography since morning
I have been successful in avoiding the internet today unless i finished studying
i finished at 1730 and i am left with maps
I have had very less traffic today
Manas Gautam is wasting his Gmail invites
Suri says he has declared his love for aakanksha but wont ask her out
Her Reaction: ' Actually even i like you but i never told u that coz i did not know u like me'... hohoho... yea rite we never knew that
I am planning to post an entry on Caught in the Middle and some of the incidents associated with it
You see Caught in the Middle was this Annual Day play we did in class 8
As i said yesterday i suffer from a writers block on weekends
My dad is planning to buy some music system.. a sudden wave has come across him
signing off

1 commentaire:

Dhruv a dit…

How is Manas wasting his invites? Manas, anyway, is a pinhead.